Friday, September 23, 2016

Reading With a Writer's Eye

The children are learning how to read like a writer. We practiced reading a narrative story and really looking closely  at how the writer "did it". Did the writer include a bold beginning, is there suspense using the magic of three, is it an extended ending? We took turns using our special glasses to help us pull this writing piece apart. Next week, we will be looking at an expository piece! 

The Power of Ten Frames

In math, we have been using different manipulatives to help see how addition and subtraction are related. The ten frame is a strategy to show how making a ten can help with addition and subtraction. Students organize the manipulatives into 2 groups of 5 which make the "Ten Frame". This visual makes it easier for the students to see how to add and subtract.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Second Grade Fun!

The class started to learn our math class structure with partner games. 

Gonoodle Break Time! We like to stretch and move throughout the day. We have several ways to move but a favorite is Gonoodle. The kids can try it at home with It's a freebie too! Here we are doing roller coaster.