Monday, October 31, 2016

Fall Stem Party Fun

We had fun creating "snake" catchers and building candy corn towers. Well, the towers actually turned into other magnificent inventions after some technical difficulties. Luckily, Mrs. Tremelling came to the rescue with her huge bag of tape! Thank you to all the families that helped our Fall Stem Party happen. We had many donations and helpful hands from Mrs. McNamara, Mrs. Wheatley, Mrs. Tremelling, Mrs. Fallon, and Mrs. Eaton.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Math Groups

This is a quick picture from one of today's math groups. Here is a group learning how to play Addition Dominoes. This game helps reinforce addition skills particularly the doubles facts. 

Mystery Reader Mrs. Eaton

Thank you Mrs. Eaton for sharing a favorite book with us. We enjoyed "Let's Get a Pup," Said Kate. 

Please email me if you are interested in volunteering to be a mystery reader. The kids really enjoying hearing stories from others and trying to guess who is visiting. Just send me a quick email if you are interested. 

Helping Some of Our Friends at Recess

It was awesome to see some of our second graders helping our kindergarten and first grade friends on the swings. Kindness is cool! :) 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Camper of the Week Robert

Robert was our first camper of the week this year. We enjoyed learning all about Robert and each writing him a letter for his camper backpack. 

Our First Mystery Reader

Thank you Mrs. Williamson for being our first mystery reader. We enjoyed The Most Magnificent Thing.